With the new year I sorted all my cloud storage and random files forgotten, it was time to restart the project, the main reason being I want to build a better portfolio and up my skills this year.
So I started looking at what needed doing:
-A level, starting point, interactive portfolio to show off UE4 skills
-Some props and artwork, as this is my least skilled area after building with Lego for years
- A certain level of interaction
So for now, I've decided to incorporate the Havoc into my interactive portfolio, essentially a level in which someone can walk around and see what ive created, with information on meshes/textures etc
Anyway, I did a rough sketch, doesn't look like much, but gives me an idea to build on:
So what's here?
- Starting off in a darkened C-shape corridor, allows me to play with lighting
- Directly infront will be my personal bio/info pretty much a CV on the wall
- Round the corner is the havoc covered in cloth
- The area resembles an old barn, dusty, unused, bit with sections of modern tech (playing with texture and feel of a room)
- Once uncovered the Havoc will appear to switch on
- Do something here to open the wooden barn doors which reveal a set of rails the Havoc is sat on
- The rails lead off into a huge metal hangar
- The havoc starts to move down the rail and stops in the Hangar
- Robot arms, start to attach panels and repair parts of the Havoc
- After a little show, the cockpit will open allowing the player to enter
- Then....ill figure the rest out after ;)
Another thing is reducing the size of the Havoc mesh, I've still got a high poly version 85% done, but for now will just focus on a medium sized on, less strain on the engine!
With that the materials will be starting from a fresh
Until the next post, and I promise with more pictures!