Tuesday 6 August 2013

Bits of Tech - Zelda UDK & Mobile platformer template

Here are 2 videos showing the latest on the tech side of things.

I had this model lying around a while, viewed it in Maya, added the textures, then forgot about it.
Few months later, managed to find the website I got the model from, so re-downloaded it, and within about an hour, it went from empty map to what you see in the vid.
This is one of the first projects I've done where I have used assets not done by me (tough!) mainly due to me being stubborn before.

My main focus with this is to see how well I can replicated the Kokiri Forest in UDK, if I can get more assets I will add the AI in etc..
Also a friend has done more of a high resolution version so might bring it into modern polycounts/resolution, or using some of the tech below, make a mobile version.

Mobile platformer template http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXf4ow22mPw

This is something I have been piecing together for a while, and as a base I am using Lego!

It combines a coded side scrolling camera with 8 way movement via WASD.
All the code is done and set out for mobile use.
I wanted to stay away from a kismet camera due to the issue it can have with some other parts of the game. Although I do lose some of the freedom, the things I need I can still make work.
Also, is an melee attack, represented by the stick he is holding, soon to be made invisible and will follow the characters punch etc.

The Use, Attack and Jump buttons were implemented and rigged up to perform the actions listed.
Bar from a few tweaks to get tidy, this template can be used for a massive variety of games!
And once finished the code and packages will be put on the UDK forums website

Thursday 25 July 2013

Post 1: Nubem iOS - Revisit

Nubem iOS update:

Only recently (last 2 weeks) I have decided to revisit a project I did for my honours. An environment, which went from a blank piece of paper, through many redesigns, implemented in UDK and turned into a fully working Apple App available on the App Store in approximately 3 months.
The main reason for this was to work on the technical side of design, and warm up for my Masters.

Whilst going through the process of finding the map, starting a UDK template, and jotting down ideas, I remembered I had an Apple Developer account, which I used to upload the game to iTunes.
During its time on the store (1 year) at last glance it was around 3,000 downloads. This was with minimal advertising, mainly Facebook, twitter, a kind re-tweet from UDK, and friends etc.
However only now have I found the reviews! (check below)

Mainly in the USA but also some from the UK, the reviews were mostly good, there were a few 1 stars, and some harsh comments, but even they were well put, and honest.
Reading these reviews has given me the drive to rework this game, and provide the environment with something more and exciting.
Unfortunately during the development process, more time was focused on creating a low poly environment that would run efficiently on an iPhone4.
With what was discovered, the iPhone 4 is quite a powerful device!

Anyway, here are a few stats from the Apple Developer Center, well, stats that I can access until I renew my membership.

March 02, 2013 03:18
Pending Contract
April 24, 2012 17:56
Ready for Sale
April 24, 2012 17:54
Processing for App Store
April 24, 2012 10:14
In Review
April 18, 2012 09:43
Waiting For Review
April 18, 2012 09:41
Upload Received
April 16, 2012 20:11
polygon abuse
Waiting For Upload
April 15, 2012 16:27
April 15, 2012 09:13
In Review
April 09, 2012 01:14
polygon abuse
Waiting For Review
April 08, 2012 19:08
Missing Screenshot
April 08, 2012 19:06
Upload Received
April 08, 2012 16:45
polygon abuse
Waiting For Upload
April 08, 2012 16:38
polygon abuse
Prepare for Upload

And here are some of the reviews, yes, I have filtered some out because friends lie when reviewing your games, and they were a tad daft =]


Great ★★★★
by Skotiadiakonos - Version 1.0 - Feb 23, 2013
You've done great, but should decorate the inside of the windmill and factory!
by The guy who said hi - Version 1.0 - Feb 17, 2013
This "game" is not only just beautiful it's control system is great. You guys did a wonderful job so far and I am really looking forward to updates
Awesome ★★★★★
by -General- - Version 1.0 - Jan 12, 2013
I love making games on UDK and it has awesome graphics, however I noticed that you can walk straight through the factory door (IPad)

Great Concept but not for me ★★★
by BAR112 - Version 1.0 - Nov 26, 2012
I love the Virtual Reality 3D concept displayed in this app. However, it is just plain ugly! Where are the green trees and grass? Where is all the natural beauty? There is none! It has the potential to be a good app. Way too industrial, bland, and ugly for me. Deleted.
Hey! ★
by Mastermind98 - Version 1.0 - Oct 10, 2012
Where's the gameplay you promised 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Plz add gameplay ★★★★
by SuperSJ4Goku - Version 1.0 - Jun 14, 2012
For what it is, it's gorgeous. However after walking around for 10 minutes you realize how boring it gets walking through a ghost town. Great work but please add something. It's like a very boring version of myst with better controls.
Great game! Still needs some work though ★★★★★
by Goobwhite - Version 1.0 - Jun 3, 2012
Wow! Great job! Please add gameplay. I feel like this game would hit the charts if it did. I agree with what the other people are saying about gameplay. You should make another island and have the airplanes able to fly back and forth. If you're planing on making a game like skyrim(which would be awesome!!!) make sure you add jump and make people able to change controls from joystick to swiping the screen. I think that would be better.
Wonderful! ★★★★★
by Shon Evans - Version 1.0 - Apr 29, 2012
Great and beautifully rendered game cannot wait for the update :)
Interesting concept! ★★★★★
by iMikeMinotaur - Version 1.0 - Apr 27, 2012
Interesting little start to what could be an amazing experience. A fully realized and interactive world based on what's here so far would be absolutely brilliant! May all the 5 star reviews motivate you, the developers, to make this happen! Cheers!
Nice work! ★★★★
by Geoff907 - Version 1.0 - Apr 25, 2012
What kind of games are these going to be? It has the possibilities of a Myst type of game all over it! I really do like what you have done- yet I assume the walk around environment can be best utilized for testing and improvements so I will leave some ideas. 1. Test the edges- I walked and trapped myself inside of the factory and actually ended up trapped on many cliff faces. Honestly you could probably leave it as is and add a function that allows the player to "refresh" at a central point. Actually judging by the map size having a couple points and they refresh at the closest one. 2. The music- I enjoy it-it helps add that mysterious feel to the game. I only recommend looping it- and not continuously because the silence has a great effect itself. Perhaps running the track and then having the silence for an equal amount of the track time before starting it again. 3. Speculation- if this ends up being a puzzle game make them well thought out and challenging! It is memorable afterwards if people had to really think about it to succeed. Also a really deep and engrossing story will make it possibly legendary. Though it may be short per chapter- if you are doing enough chapters you will have time to work on the story. 4. Keep working at it! Don't Peter off after you start! If you do it right you will develop a fan base- then following through will encourage people to look forward to everything you do! Sorry if I sound too preachy- but you do have something special here! Keep up the good work!
An Interesting App ★★★★
by Lavajci - Version 1.0 - Apr 25, 2012
While very interesting, I would have liked some interactivity and more music. It's a cool app, but it's not quite yet 5 stars.

There is only a few things coming from these reviews, 1) My head is getting bigger, 2) I really need to sort that collision out on the factory 3) IT NEEDS GAMEPLAY!
Which is where I am heading over the next few blogposts

Here's some snaps of the current game.